‘Stay Positive, Stay Creative’ during Corona Times
‘Stay Positive, Stay Creative’ during Corona Times
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, all of our lives had a structure and a routine to follow. We were living by the clock. However, the pandemic has completely dismantled our all pre-conceived concepts of structure and routine life. A small virus has busted all notions about our so called healthy and wealthy lifestyle. People are seeing the deaths of their loved ones. There are job losses and economic slowdown to add to their woes. A sense of helplessness prevails in everyone’s mind.
In the current times, world has the best of medical research and care, democracy, elected governments, and the technology advancement which has made our lives easier. The last three generations which did not see any major war or pandemic or famine, it was hard for them to accept the current situation.
At first, people just did not consider that it was a serious situation to worry about, everyone felt it would last for a few months, and then everyone would return to routine life. There was a casual attitude, and to add to the confidence, the first wave was managed well in India, thanks to the long lockdown. But when the life started opening up, the number of cases increased and now it is out of control. But what option do country like India has, where half of its population lives on daily wages?
As a hope, vaccine came on block as quick as was possible but the hard fact is vaccinating a sizeable population like India would take many years. It is not possible for any system or vaccine to take care of such a large population, everyone understands herd immunity is the only way out.
In midst of all negativity, like a silver lining in the dark clouds, pandemic has brought families closer. People are spending more time with their family and self. The playtime with kids, family dinner, sharing house-hold work, talking to old parents – all which had taken a backseat earlier, started happening. Pandemic has made people aware the importance of family and relationships.
Despite this, perhaps the negativity surrounding is more than the gain of Pandemic. Negativity is causing disorientation of our minds. In midst of the losses of loved ones, how do one hold the horses of mind?
The only way is ‘Stay Positive, Stay Creative’.
‘Stay Positive’ is easier said than actually practiced in life. How hard we try to make ourselves belief that we shall remain positive, our pillar of strength crumbles when we hear a death in our family or friends. Instead of accepting the fact that this Pandemic is here to take many lives, we feel angry and upset over our helplessness to save our loved ones, failure of the system and governance, the loot and the black marketing of life-saving medicines. Anger and disappointment pulls us towards negativity.
In such a situation, the only option left to us is to embrace positivity. Negativity anyway is surrounding us, waiting to engulf us.
Experts say, first step towards positivity is to accept the reality, and stop struggling. When we accept that situation is really serious, and it would perhaps last a few years, then there is no way out other than to live with a Positive mindset to stay floating in troubled waters. When we are devastated by loss of our loved ones, when the outside world becomes more tougher to exist, then the human spirit of survival rises above all.
How one can stay positive in such a situation? The answer lies in prayers, spirituality and creativity. Our faith in the supreme power must rise, we must get away from symbolism of rituals, instead go deeper within to connect with ourselves and the Supreme power. When we do so, automatically awareness about the purpose of existence of souls on this planet is realised. Our purpose to come on this earth is not to create wealth or live a life style but to enrich our experience bank with every moment passing.
To stay positive, the best way is to divert your mind to creativity. Every human being is born with a creative mind, it is only when we explore our deeper minds than creative and fresh ideas are generated. This is the best time to let your creativity come out, which can be in any form – writing, reading, cooking, gardening, music, dancing, photography etc. It can be any act which you love to do and takes your mind away from the pandemic stress.
Many people tell me, it is difficult to even think of any idea , creativity or writing when they are seeing so much suffering around. I ask them to pen down what they are going through. But even that they are not able to do so, as the random thoughts are not letting them at peace. Their mind is distraught. For creativity one must be at peace within.
A few days back, I talked to one of the Corona patients in isolation, I advised him to write or read or listen music whatever he likes. His reply was, ‘I cannot think of anything else, I am worried about my life.’ The fear psychosis is working everywhere which is not letting anyone to focus on anything even daily chore, forget creativity.
Hence it is important to train our minds, to accept that the Pandemic effect would perhaps continue for a few more years. The hard fact is no one would be spared from nature’s wrath as humans have disturbed its balance. But continuously worrying about the fear will not help to improve the situation, or one’s well-being. Cross the bridge when it comes. Build a positive mindset and utilise this time to take a dip within, to understand your inner self, and be creative. Pandemic has limited your physical movement but not the mind. Mind can travel anywhere, it can visit any place, it can experience all kind feelings, it can listen to your inner thoughts but you must not let it hover over negativity.
To sail through this Pandemic, the only option left is ‘Stay Positive, Stay Creative’.
Rakhi Sunil Kumar