Part 13: Am I ABANDONED?

My name is SHIBI, I am 6 months old Beagle puppy and this is my diary. In this diary, I shall write about my life. You may question, ‘Can dogs write? What stories do they have to tell? They only eat, sleep and bark.’
‘Yess…Why dogs cannot have stories? Are we not living beings? Do we not go through tough times? Is our life honky-dory always as they show in movies?’
Click here to read all stories of SHIBI
Part 13 : Am I ABANDONED?
‘Life is not a straight line, it is like a sine curve, sometimes up and sometimes down!’ Momma always used to tell this to my Big-Bro. I hardly cared to understand the meaning of it, and today I remembered it and perhaps understood it.
Today is the 6th day since I am at this new place, without my parents. I am waiting for Momma and Papa to come and pick me up, and take me back to our house again, the house which I made my home. I am somehow losing hope, am I abandoned?
I miss playing with Papa, I miss my walks with Momma and I miss my friends – Ansh, Chandu, Raju… I sit for long hours at the gate, waiting to hear one shout of Papa, calling my name. He calls me ‘Kaccha Baadaam’. He is my hero; I feel so secure when he is around.
Momma used to call me her princess! I think she lied all the time, I was never her Princess, otherwise why she would leave me at such a place?
Suddenly my life has turned upside down, and I am sad, upset, and anxious; do I have to stay here forever? Like this?
I was sceptical the day when Momma told me about a place where many dogs live together. I remembered it very clearly, Momma took me in her lap and told me, ‘Shibi, today we will take you to a house where there are many dogs and cats. You would love to play with them.’
Whenever momma explains something nicely to me, I get doubtful and my anxiety breaks my own record.
I barked, ‘Is it a Dog-center? I don’t want to go!’
Momma understood, and said, ‘No Shibi it’s not a Dog-center, but the house of a friend of ours.’
In the afternoon, Papa and Momma took me to a new place. With butterflies churning in my stomach, I entered inside the house along with them. A lady greeted us, she looked just like Momma. She called me ‘Shibi’ in a very sweet voice.
As soon I entered, I saw two big dogs roaming in the house. They were very big in size compared to me, and also older than me. One of them was a black Labrador, she was very aged, Momma told me later that she was 15 years, she adoringly stared at me for some time and then sat in one corner of the room. I immediately named her ‘Granny’. The other dog a ‘Big Dane’ was almost thrice my size and was curious to know me equally as I was. She kept smelling me, following me everywhere I went. I named her ‘Dane’. Then came two furry cats, one was grey in colour, and the other was black. They stayed away from me.
As the lady chatted with Momma and Papa, I explored every corner of the house, it was very big and I liked it very much. I admired the lady, she had so many animals in her house, yet she appeared so calm. And my Momma? She gets harassed with just one, ME …woof, woof!
Soon Momma called me, ‘Shibi, time to go home!’
I stared at Momma, ‘So soon? I am yet to know the place!’
Momma probably understood, and said, ‘Shibi, Good that you liked the place! We will come again!’
The lady told me to come again, so did Dane and Granny.
We returned home. Momma and Papa looked very happy. I tried to guess what they were up to.
The next day we went to that house again, and this time Momma and Papa did not accompany me inside the house. The lady took me inside, and both of them left.
Truly speaking, I was not scared. I was looking forward to meeting my new friends. I played with Granny and Dane. Granny was very caring and Dane was still doubtful but soon she played with me. I did not realize how time passed away, and Papa came to pick me up.
But I was damn worried when the next day, for the third time, Momma and Papa brought me to the same house. I could guess something was wrong somewhere.
I asked Granny, ‘You are a very senior and an experienced dog. I am curious to understand why my parents are bringing me to this house every day.’
Granny replied. ‘Dog-Socialization. Maybe they want you to be friendly with other dogs.’
‘Maybe!’ I said but my heart refused to believe that.
I then played with Granny and Dane but I did not like the cats, I made sure that they do not come near to me.
But that day, after some time, I longed to see Momma and Papa. I was anxious that something is cooking behind my back, Momma and Papa are not telling me the truth.
I waited at the door for them. After a few hours, they came and picked me up. This time the lady had some serious talk with Momma.
As soon we returned home, Momma took me in her lap and said, ’Shibi, you must learn to live with all kinds of animals. You cannot scare the cats or the pigs or the birds. Why did you scare the poor cats today? Now you cannot go to that house.’
I could not get it, if a dog won’t scare cats, then who would? I was disappointed that now I cannot meet Granny and Dane.
I noted Momma and Papa were in a serious discussion. I was curious to know. The next day, again three of us went in the car, and this time to a different house. I saw my trainer Keshav standing outside, and I happily went inside the house. I saw a German shepherd dog inside the house, and immediately we liked each other and started playing, as parents chatted with Keshav.
Again, after some time, we left. This time Momma and Papa were happy. I was curious to know why I am taken to meet other dogs. Soon, the reason was revealed to me.
In the morning, I saw Momma and Papa busy packing their bags. I was anxious, where they are heading to? How many days? Are they taking me along? Last time, they took me on a long road trip, and once also to that Big City. I have always accompanied them.
With tears, I looked at Momma. She probably understood and took me in her lap, ‘Shibi, we are going out for a few days. This time you are not coming with us because we cannot take you along with us everywhere. You will stay at Keshav’s house. He will take good care of you.’
I widened my teary eyes, ‘and if you don’t return?’
Momma hugged me tightly, ‘Shibi, you are now grown up and a very brave girl. Do not be scared. We will come back!’
I wanted to believe her but my mind refused to. It warned me that first Big-Bro left, and now Momma and Papa are surely leaving me. I wanted them to take me. I brought my toys one by one, my ball, my rope, my bat,…and gave everything to Momma. ‘You keep all my toys but take me along.’ Momma just smiled and kept it all aside.
I could not sleep the whole night as I prepared myself to stay in Keshav’s house.
The next day, Papa took me to Keshav’s house. I quietly entered the house. Papa gave my things to Keshav, patted me, and left.
I am still waiting for them to return. Momma told me a few days but already 6 days have passed. How many more days to wait? Will they return or they have abandoned me forever?
SHIBI, the Beagle