A Letter to Wife in Heaven

A Letter to Wife in Heaven
Srinivas Kumar called on his friend Raghu Nath. They were neighbours. They met every day in the morning to walk sit and discuss several political and social issues, and IT jobs in the USA, and the UK. Of recent Raghu Nath was not coming for morning walk.
Raghu Nath and Sushmitha were married for the last fifteen years. Sushmitha was from a well-to-do family and her father was a businessman. She was tall, slim, with a long nose, and bright eyes, and she looked beautiful in a saree and blouse.
Sushmitha’s father knew the difficulties of business people and preferred an IT job person for Sushmitha as a husband, for a smooth and happy life. Though she was a graduate, she was not interested in doing a job.
Raghu Nath was a software engineer working in an MNC. After their marriage, Raghu Nath worked in the USA for about five years and presently was working in Bangalore.
Raghu Nath and Sushmitha loved each other, they were leading a happy life. In these fifteen years, they have two children – a son and a daughter. Both the children were school-going.
Sushmitha was kind-hearted, and understanding, and looked after the requirement of Raghu Nath and their children. She prepared breakfast in the morning, packed their lunch and sees that Raghu Nath goes to the office and the children to school on time. After office hours, Raghu Nath, Sushmitha and the children used to go to nearby temples to spend some time devotionally.
Sushmitha was a devotional person and used to read the Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatam every day. After doing pooja every day, then only she starts her regular kitchen work.
One day suddenly Sushmitha suffered a heart attack and was paralyzed. She was unable to move her right hand and right leg. The right side of her face was affected and the voice was not clear. Doctors suggested physiotherapy twice daily and complete bed rest for her. A lady physiotherapist used to come for physiotherapy on Sushmitha.
Raghu Nath kept a lady attendee to look after her. He used to sit by the side of Sushmitha every day and take her left palm between his palms, gazing at her in deep silence, for almost an hour. She was in bed for one year and died asleep.
Raghu Nath could not bear the loss of his wife. Day and night he kept thinking of Sushmitha only and remained aloof and did not come out of the house. His health deteriorated after his death, soon he was bedridden. He was under medication suggested by the expert doctors.
Srinivas Kumar tapped on the door. Raghu Nath’s son opened the door and took him to Raghu Nath’s room. He found Raghu Nath in a completely depressed mood. Kumar sat on the bed by the side of Raghu Nath.
Kumar to Raghu Nath,
“Dear Raghu, it is the rule of this universe that people born shall die one day. The time of death is decided by destiny. When persons with social responsibilities of bringing up children, and helping the husband and home, die premature death, it is a problem for the surviving family members. For the children, the void created by the mother’s death can never be filled by any person. Similarly, a husband faces a great loss. Men come to know the difficulty of managing the kitchen, cooking and looking after the children. Women do these with love and affection for the sake of their beloved ones.”
Kumar continued,
“Dear Raghu, our life is God-given. He decides. We are the only players in his drama of the universe. Therefore, we need to take things as they come. God has taken away your wife. You shall continue to live this life for the sake of developing children. Now you must be brave, build confidence in yourself, and take charge from where your wife has left.”
Kumar concluded, “We shall never think of our materialistic advancements as achievements. We do not take them with us when we leave this world, as your wife Sushmitha did. She had many hopes for you and your children for life but left everything here.”
Raghu Nath in a desperate mood said,
“No, my dear friend, what is the use of all these when I do not have my wife Sushmitha? She came into my life and guided me, gave me children, and helped me progress in this life. God has detached her from me abruptly. We did not experienced our full life.”
Raghu Nath continued, “I lost interest in life.”
Kumar put his hand on the shoulder of the Raghu Nath and said, “My dear Raghu do not say so. We wish you a long life.”
Raghu Nath indignantly looked at Srinivas Kumar and said “What for I shall live? Do you want me to suffer more and more?”
Srinivas Kumar continued,
“See my dear friend, we come to this world all alone and leave this world all alone. No one dear to us comes with us when we leave this world. Everyone has a prescribed duty by God and once that is done, they are destined to leave. Similarly, your wife has left. I and everyone do agree that it is a great loss for you and your children. This loss can never be made up by anybody. You will have to face this loss throughout the rest of your life.”
Raghu Nath in a disapproving mood intervened and said, “No, God is not fair to me and me alone. You point out any one mistake of mine with God, for taking away my wife and giving me all the suffering at this age.”
Raghu Nath continued, “If God is fair to me, my wife would have been alive with me and we would have a cheerful and enjoyable life.”
Srinivas Kumar said, “See my dear friend, you are thinking of your suffering. We are not thinking of how Sushmitha is doing in Heaven. You start thinking of her welfare.”
Raghu Nath said, “How do I know of her welfare? I will write to my wife to take me with her.”
Srinivas Kumar suggested to Raghu Nath, “Okay, then, you write a letter to your wife in Heaven to take you with her?”
Raghu Nath started dictating and Kumar wrote the letter.
My Dear Sushmitha,
“I am your husband Raghu Nath from Earth. I hope you are doing fine in Heaven. Request God to provide all the facilities. Please take care of yourself. If you require anything we will pray to God the Almighty to provide. We imagine from the books that Heaven is a beautiful place to live in. You must tell us.”
Dear Sushmitha, “You left me alone in this complicated world. You have been caring for me with all my requirements, without my asking and with a motto for my development and growth of children. Every day children remember you and ask me when are you returning from heaven.”
“Without you I am nobody, all the recognition I had is because of you and your great service of seeing me at higher levels of society. I owe everything of my development to you and you alone. I cannot live in this world without you. My dear Sushmitha, I want to be with you and I cannot live here without you. Please Sushmitha, take me to live with you.”
Yours Loving Husband,
Raghu Nath
After writing the letter Srinivas Kumar left and Raghu Nath slept.
In sleep, Sushmitha came and sat by the side of Raghu Nath, put her hand on Raghu Nath’s head caring, and said, “I have gone through your letter, Dear Raghu. But remember my dear husband, I will always be with you. You need not write letters to me. Whenever you remember me, I shall be by your side. Do not worry about myself, take care of the children. My soul is always with you and guiding you. Do not think we are two different souls. You and I are one. I cannot take you with me. I am not that capable. But whenever you remember me, I shall be by your side. Bye-bye. See you again” and she kissed his cheeks.
Raghu Nath suddenly got up and thought it was a dream, but felt the touch and kiss of Sushmitha. He was in a dilemma. Was it real or a dream? The words of Sushmitha were ringing in his ears. He decided to start afresh and take care of children with the guidance of Sushmitha’s soul.
Prabhakar M